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Easily source later life plans for your clients

Take advantage of the most advanced technology to find the best products for your clients’ needs.


Research later life products for your customers aged 55+

Save time with accurate and tailored sourcing, find the right plans for your clients’ circumstances through our powerful filters, integrated property and medical underwriting.

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Image of a laptop and smartphone showing the Advise Wise dashboard

Compare plans side by side

To easily identify the most suitable products and download the PDF to easely present clear and concise product information to your clients, to fulfil Consumer Duty requirements.

Compare products now

One click KFIs and applications

Request Instant KFIs and submit online application in just one click from the Advise Wise Platform.

Run a product search now

Fact Find

Compliance made easy

Fulfil Consumer Duty requirements with Advise Wise compliance suite, designed with the FCA’s guidance and the Equity Release Council’s checklist in mind.

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Integrated Fact Find template

Save time and collect all the relevant information to assess your client’s circumstances with our Fact Find template, integrated with case data, that will pre-populate with client’s and property information.
Print it, complete it offline, online or a combination of both, the choice is yours.

Suitability Letter template

Easily complete the Suitability Letter with integrated AI-support, while adhering to the FCA’s guidance on document lengths, signposting information from the Fact Find and KFI.

Customised templates

Request deeper customisation and compliance support. You can have dynamic question sets and Suitability Letter content tailored for your network, if you prefer to use your own questions and compliance content.

Quick Quote

Check how much your client could release in just three clicks.

Run a Quick Quote now
Quick Quote

Solicitor instruction

A specialist solicitors panel you can count on

Select and instruct a specialist solicitor from our panel in just a click, directly from your client case. Save time with our automated instruction process without the need of re-typing case details. Your client can benefit from an exclusive deal, too!

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Barton Law logo
Boyd Legal logo
Forever Legal

Built-in CRM functionality

Store your clients cases, documents, product search and KFIs all in one place, on the Advise Wise Platform


Store all your client’s details together, from product searches to KFIs, Fact Finds and much more.

Upload documents

Upload any documents to your client case, including PDF, Excel, Scanned images Word documents and many more.

Create your FREE account


Our modern API, built using the latest technology, ensures your data is safe and secure all the time and enables us to integrate every action on the portal.

Integrations are possible across the board, including:

Integration with broker CRM systems

To allow seamless sourcing journey, download of documentations and avoid all re-keying

Integration with third party systems for referrals

Such as conveyancing instructions, will referrals, LPA referrals, pension referrals etc…

Integration with lead generation systems

To provide online calculators and data capture to websites

Integration with lenders

For sourcing, quotations and application submission.

Integration with compliance systems

To provide CPD information.

Integration with AI

To assist advisors in writing suitability reports.

Easy to set up

Our API comes with a raft of documentation and code examples to make it easy to set up and run with minimal new coding required.

We also offer an optional package with expert development resources if you need more assistance than the documentation.

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